Toilet Chronicles

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If you are searching for some new entertainment, then here is an unusual story to try – Toilet Chronicles. What can be so thrilling about a public restroom? Start playing to see everything with your own eyes. The start will not impress you at all – you enter a toilet that looks like million other toilets around – several cabins, mirrors, water taps and hand driers.

What has happened?

When you enter one of the cabins, you hear a voice from the neighboring one – it asks you to pass some paper. A bit weird but no problem! But when you leave the cabin, you see the exit has disappeared. What has happened? Something strange has happened as you just entered through that door five minutes ago. It is pure mystic! Suddenly you notice that the guy locked in the other cabin passed you a note with a strange message. He clearly warns this place hides some terrible secrets. It is dangerous to stay here. So you need to invent something and escape. But no matter how hard you try, you cannot find the door. The stranger keeps destroying his toilet door and periodically asks to pass him something. You cannot figure out what he wants. There are many objects around you can interact with. But if you pass him the wrong thing, it can end up tragically for you. It will be impossible to predict what exactly can save you and what will kill you. The developers decided to add special zest to the game and prepared twelve endings! What should you do to survive in this dangerous adventure? No one will be able to help you until you find the right algorithm yourself! But be prepared that the price for the wrong decision will be really high – you are doomed to death! Some wrong steps will bring a huge tentacle that will immediately kill everyone around.

Wrong choice

Another wrong choice will make a bomb explode and destroy everything! You will have to go to several scenarios to understand what consequences this or that step can bring. So, will you have enough wit to understand why these weird things are happening in this terrible toilet? Hopefully, your curiosity is stronger than your fear and you will cope with this challenge successfully! Even if this game has some parody elements, it also has enough unexpected moments that can easily make you shudder. But it is time to go through this experience on your own – so welcome to the Toilet Chronicles project! Prove you are smart enough to guess the solution right!

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